Friday, August 31, 2012

Jurisprudence Exam... Check!

Last Friday, Josh took his Texas Jurisprudence Exam.  This was the final step in order to attain his Chiropractic license.  He was tested on the current Statutes (Texas Chiropractic Act) and Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners Rules.  It was 50 questions and needed a passing grade of 75% or better.

I am happy to announce that we received a letter for the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners last night saying "CONGRATULATIONS"!  We didn't even need to read any more... we were so relieved.  After we submit a one final fee, he will get his license in the mail within 10 business days!  WAAAAAHHHHHHH HOOOOOOOOOO!

Josh is so excited to be able to sign documents and letters as "Joshua Elliott, L.A.T., D.C."

Hopefully we will have something even bigger to celebrate after Josh's interview next Tuesday.  Stay tuned!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Dr. Josh! We are so proud of you! Good luck on your interview Tuesday!
