Monday, February 6, 2012

We're still a little new at this...

I am not really one to flaunt all my faults, so I hope you appreciate this story:

I will be returning to work on Wednesday this week so we needed to get a few things done before then.  So this afternoon we ventured out as a family to run some errands.  I had a package that needed to be picked up at the UPS store and Josh had an eye exam.  While Josh was getting checked Andrew and I were going to stroll the mall.  Well, on our way to drop of Josh for his appointment I suddenly gasped and said, "I forgot Andrew's diaper bag".  Josh said, "So, what are you going to do"? (meaning go home or chance it?) I replied, " Well, it is only an eye exam and he just ate and we just changed his diaper... we will be fine".

Andrew and I walked the mall for about 30 minutes then we headed across the street to pick up Josh - I figured he would be close to finishing.  I was wrong... Josh had not even seen the Optometrist yet and Andrew was getting fussy.  I drove around a little bit thinking that might calm him down... nope!  So I pulled up in the parking lot and took him out of his seat thinking he just wanted to stretch out or be held.  I am sure you can imagine by now what happened next.  Yep, I realized Andrew had an explosive diaper.  There I was... my baby was screaming in the car and I had no diaper bag!  JUST GREAT!!!  Still no sign of Josh.  10 minutes seemed like an eternity! 

Luckily, home is not too far away.  We all survived and no long term damage, but I felt REALLY bad.  I can guarantee I won't be forgetting the diaper bag anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. Tee hee hee! I did that too Jill, though MK was 1 1/2 and we were at Chilis. She started to make "the face" and both Dwight and I looked at each other because we both forgot the diaper bag. I rushed her to the bathroom and got her to poop on the potty! Going back home was not an option since we were about 20 minutes from home. There are always going to be these types of moments, that's what makes life fun and interesting.
